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New Single "Beacon of Hope" out today!!!

Today, right here, right now - a new song is released into the wild. My first Single this year, and first new recording to be released since my last album, just days before the pandemic shutdown in March 2020.

You can listen/purchase here -

I can't tell you how good this feels.

And this is a feel-good song. It's called "Beacon of Hope". I wrote it as a custom song, commissioned by a company to represent how they felt and what they meant to the world, to go along with their industry conference this past Fall. I loved the process - i

nterviewing the CEO and leadership team, hearing of their struggles and their successes, and asking them questions that dug down to the core of who they are as a company, why they matter, and how they can serve their employees, their clients, and the world. What mattered to them most was to be a beacon of hope to others. I can get on board with that! If fact, if you or company would like to do something like that - let me know! A custom song. Just for you.

Anyhow, I loved the resulting song so much, I wanted to release it as an artist. My daughter, Elizabeth, did the artwork. She's 13 now. Remember that song "LA Can Wait"? That was about her, when she was in mama's belly. That's how long I've been doing this, and more. Doesn't time fly?

We all need something positive right about now, wouldn't you agree? If the feeling hits you, would you go check it out? Here are all the ways you can listen and purchase -

If you dig it, if you know someone who needs to hear it, please share with a friend. I sure do appreciate it.

I've been writing a TON the past 2 years, and this is just the tip of the iceberg for new music to come.

Special thanks to all the magical players on this song - my L.A. crew Andre de Santanna who produced it and played bass, Daniel Mandelman on keys, Tamir Barzalay on drums, Danielle De Andrea on bgvox, and my Nashville homie Caitlin Evanson on violin.

Thanks for all your continued support!

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